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 Online Writing Lab
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Online Writing Lab

Brainfuse’s Online writing lab is designed to help students become better
writers through a unique suite of services:

a. 24-Hour Writing Lab: Students submit their writing through our secure
file sharing feature and within 24 hours, our writing specialists evaluate it
according to a customized rubric. Rubric categories include:

  • response to task
  • organization
  • focus
  • word usage
  • grammar/mechanics

b. Live Feedback: Students who want more immediate feedback have
the option to login with a live tutor and use our file sharing feature to receive
live, one-to-one writing assistance.

c. Access to Live Writing Instructors: Our writing experts help students
become better writers through live, one-to-one lessons.

 Administrative Oversight: From our website, a professor can view
submitted papers, responses from Brainfuse tutors, and suggested grades
(professors maintain ultimate grading authority).