Rounding Decimals

Round Decimals

Rounding decimals is similar to rounding whole numbers except that the digits to the right of the given place value are dropped instead of being replaced by zeroes.

Step 1: Identify the place you want to round

Step 2: Look at the digit to its right

Step 3: If that digit is 5 or greater, increase the rounding-place digit by 1. If that digit is less than 5, do not change the rounding place digit.

Step 4: Drop all the digits to the right.


Round 0.6073 to the nearest hundredth

Step 1

0.6073 Rounding Place

Step 2

0.6073 7 is the digit to the right

Step 3

0.607 7 > 5, therefore change the 0 to 1.

Step 4

0.6173              Drop the digits to the right

We obtain 0.61 when we round 0.6073 to the nearest hundredth