Resume Resources
Chronological Resume Template
A chronological resume typically lists each job you have held in order, beginning with the most recent. It works well if you have several years of relevant experience.
Combination Resume Template
A combination resume lists your experience and skills first, and your employment history next. It allows you to both highlight your relevant skills and to provide the chronological work history that some employers favor.
Functional Resume Template
A functional resume focuses on your experience and skills, instead of your chronological work history. It works well for people who are changing careers or who have gaps in their employment history.
Chronological Resume Template (Español)
Un curruculum cronologico generalmente enumera cada trabajo que ha tenido en orden, comenzando con el más reciente. Funciona bien si tiene varios anos de experiencia relevante.
Combination Resume Template (Español)
Un curruculum combinado enumera primero su experiencia y habilidades, y luego su historial laboral. Le permite tanto resaltar sus habilidades relevantes como proporcionar el historial laboral cronolagico que favorecen algunos empleadores.
Functional Resume Template (Español)
Un curruculum funcional se centra en su experiencia y habilidades, en lugar de su historial laboral cronolagico. Funciona bien para las personas que esta¡n cambiando de carrera o que tienen lagunas en su historial laboral.
Military Resume Templates
Templates for veterans entering the civilian workforce.
CareerOneStop's Resume Guide
CareerOneStop's Resume Guide can help you polish your resume to stand out in today’s job market.
Website: Free Resume Writing Tutorial
Free resume writing tutorial from which includes sample resumes and templates.
Military Skills Translator
Transitioning from the military to civilian life? Use this tool to translate your military skills into material for your professional resume.'s Military Skills Translator can assist you in translating the skills you developed in the military to professional skills for your civilian resume.
Make Your Military Resume Interviewable
Resume assistance and advice for transitioning military service members as they seek to enter civilian life with a strong professional foundation.
Get Your Military Resume in Shape for a Civilian Job Search
Tips and advice for transitioning veterans on how to stand out in the civilian workforce.
Military Resume and Interview Tips
Helpful advice and templates for veterans on building their professional profile while entering civilian life.